
Stakeholder Engagement

Through stakeholder identification, we can understand their expectations and concerns regarding Primax's business activities, enabling us to formulate appropriate strategies and plans to improve the company's economic, social, and environmental performance. Additionally, maintaining effective communication with stakeholders allows us to understand their interests and expectations, providing valuable insights for the company's sustainable management.

Stakeholder Consultation

We have implemented a rigorous process for identification and selection. Apart from considering the five principles of the AA 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standards : "dependency, responsibility, influence, diversity of perspectives, and tension," we have also evaluated stakeholders from the perspective of individuals or groups whose interests are or may be affected by the organization's economic activities.


Stakeholders' Communication

Primax places great importance on the interests and opinions of stakeholders and engages in continuous communication and engagement. The engagement approach adopts diverse forms, including unidirectional, bidirectional, one-to-many, or many-to-one, with the aim of understanding stakeholders' concerns and expectations towards Primax.

Stakeholder Concerns and Communication Channels

Accessible Consultation and Complaint Channels

Primax has established the "Operational Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines of Conduct", "Employee Communication and Feedback Management Measures",and "Employee Code of Conduct". We have also set up complaint and reporting channels to facilitate communication and feedback from internal and external stakeholders.


Grievance Channels
  • Employee suggestion box
  • Directly report to immediate supervisor or HR department
  • General manager's mailbox
  • Employee complaint and whistleblower exclusive email
  • Interviews with frontline employees
  • ESG corporate sustainability website / ESG mailbox


Contact department
  • Human Resources Department
  • Central Plant Operations Department
  • Handled by the ESG Office


Case investigation / Handling process
Complaints received will be investigatednby the highest authority of the responsible unit
  • Conduct technical and feasibility evaluations and gather evidence for the complaints.
  • Provide immediate responses on the results of the complaint handling.
  • Records of case acceptance, investigation process, and outcomes should be kept for five years.
  • The responsible unit should report the reported issues, handling procedures, and subsequent review and improvement measures to the Board of Directors.

Identification of Material Issues

In accordance with the latest version of GRI disclosure principles, Primax Electronics has adopted the European Union's "double materiality" approach to evaluate the material Issues. 

Material Issues Assessment Process



Understand the organizational context


Identify actual and potential impacts



Evaluate the significance of impacts



Prioritize reporting of the most significant impacts



Respond to and manage the impacts

Identification and Impact Assessment of Material Issues

ESG Office and external sustainability expert consultants comprehensive consideration annually. There are 13 priority major sustainability issues for reporting are selected, and "Climate change adaptation", "Economic performance", "Talent Recruitment and Retention", "Talent Development and Cultivation" are related our Enterprise Risk, while others are categorized as general issues.

Selection of Material Issues and Impact Matrix
